In accordance with the classification of the EAEU and the CIS, the following products belong to the class of Telecom products (radio and non-radio equipment):

  • base stations
  • network equipment
  • terminals
  • modems
  • cell phones


In general case, most of these products are subject to declaration in the EAEU and require certification way in the national systems of CIS countries.

Typical technical regulations applicable to Telecom products in the Customs Union (EAEU) are LVE (CU TR 004/2011), EMC (CU TR 020/2011) and RoHS (TR EAEU 037/2016).

From September 2023 (preliminary date), the new EAEU TR 048/2019 “On energy efficiency …” will come into force, but 99% of telecom products are out of this regulation scope.

A significant difference from other types of products for telecom products is that they are definitely subject to regulation in the national telecom systems of each country.

In Russia, the market circulation of telecom products is regulated by Law 126-FZ “On Communications”. More detailed information on declaration and certification in National telecom system of Russia is available HERE.

If your target markets are CIS countries and you wish to have more information about telecom regulation in CIS countries, please follow this link.

And finally, it is the fact that most of telecom products support encryption and data transmission, so they require FSS Notification to be legally imported to EAEU market.

If you’re interested in conformity approval in EAEU or CIS countries please fill out our RFQ form. Your personal project manager will reply to you soonest.