The license of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation for the import of radio electronic means (REM) and high-frequency devices (HFD) is issued if the products are not included in the List of REM and HFD (clause 2.16 of the Decision of the EEC Board No.30), in respect of which there are non-tariff regulation measures. Before issuing the License of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, manufacturer first need to get the RFC Conclusion on the compliance of these radio electronic means and high-frequency devices with the requirements in the field of communications. 

According to Amm.2 of EEC Board No.30 the following REM and HFD require license:

  • HFD for industrial, scientific, medical or domestic purposes including high frequency generators
  • REM for voice, images, data and other information types receiving or transmitting
  • hardware and software systems of technical radio-monitoring, receiving equipment designed to detect REM that are a source of electromagnetic emission

There are some product exclusions which don’t require the Minpromtorg License, such as microwaves, some IEEE 802.15, IEEE 802.11, DECT devices etc.

It is important that only importer may apply for this license so usually Russian importers issue it themselves. Nevertheless, CCI Group may consult you and help to prepare an application dossier for the Ministry of Industry and Trade which usually include:

  • filled application form
  • shipment contract
  • RFC conclusion
  • brief technical description

For more information about license of Ministry of Industry and Trade, applicable regulations and procedure please contact us via RFQ form or email. Your personal project manager will reply to you soonest.