The State Registration Certificate, State Hygienic Registration, Hygienic Certificate, Hygienic Conclusion. It is different names of document that shows the conformity of the products with the sanitary-hygienic regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union.

  Generally speaking, there two different types of this document – one of them is mandatory and the second one is voluntary.

  The Decision of the Customs Union Commission No.299 of May 28, 2010 “On the Application of Sanitary Measures in the Customs Union” (full text can be ordered upon request) is a document establishes the Unified Sanitary Requirements for products, as well as Lists of products to which they apply.

Regarding the Decision No.299 the following products are subject to Mandatory State Registration:

  • drinks
  • cosmetics
  • products of body hygiene
  • household chemicals
  • paints, varnishes, putty, primers, etc.
  • clothing for children
  • products for children under 3 years
  • special food including baby food, food for pregnant women, dietary food, food for sportsmen
  • food from genetically modified organisms
  • food supplements

If the product is in Decision No.299, it is subject to State sanitary and epidemiological supervision (accordingly with this decision) and there are certain Sanitary requirements for it, but it is not subject to mandatory State registration, then its quality and its hygienic safety can be confirmed by issuing an Expert Conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor. This is a voluntary document.

For more information about Hygienic Registration, applicable regulations and procedure please contact us via RFQ form or email. Your personal project manager will reply to you soonest.