Frankly speaking, we know that before you send product samples to us for certification for the EAEC and CIS markets, you have already checked the safety many times in your own (factory or agency) laboratories. It makes no sense to send a sample to another end of the continent or even overseas if you not sure in its conformity…

  However, there are still a number of reasons why the pre-testing service is in demand. 

First of all, this is the difference in the versions of the standards of the countries of Asia, Europe and America. And it’s not just the “lagging behind” harmonized versions of standards in EAEC and CIS (in general case) … There are significant differences in frequency regulation, in standards for labeling and consumer information, in the classification of products in different countries (for example, electric drill, from EAEC view, is a subject for Machinery regulation, which is not typical for Europe).

Therefore, if you have any doubts about the applicability of standards, compatibility of test methods and requirements, frequency regulation, do not hesitate to contact us. These will not necessarily be pre-tests… most likely a free consultation on your question will enough!

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Ask your personal manager about technical regulation, conformity assessment and product requirements, applicable standards etc. related to EAEU and CIS countries
