CCI GROUP is constantly increasing its business scope. Please choose the approval type you are interested in below.

  If you don’t see your approval type here please contact us via RFQ form. Your personal project manager will reply to you soonest.

 If you don’t see your approval type here please contact us via RFQ form. Your personal project manager will reply to you soonest

  If you don’t see your approval type here please contact us via RFQ form. Your personal project manager will reply to you soonest.

  If you don’t see your approval type here please contact us via RFQ form. Your personal project manager will reply to you soonest.

  If you don’t see your approval type here please contact us via RFQ form. Your personal project manager will reply to you soonest.

  If you don’t see your approval type here please contact us via RFQ form. Your personal project manager will reply to you soonest.

  If you don’t see your approval type here please contact us via RFQ form. Your personal project manager will reply to you soonest.

  If you don’t see your approval type here please contact us via RFQ form. Your personal project manager will reply to you soonest.

If you don’t see your approval type here please contact us via RFQ form. Your personal project manager will reply to you soonest

Send request

Ask your personal manager about technical regulation, conformity assessment and product requirements, applicable standards etc. related to EAEU and CIS countries
