In accordance with the classification of the EAEU and the CIS, the following products belong to the class of IT-products:

  • personal computers
  • printers – scanners
  • multimedia-projectors
  • uninterruptible power supplies
  • keyboards


In general, most of these products are subject to certification in the EAEU and CIS countries.

Typical technical regulations applicable to household electrical equipment in the Customs Union (EAEU) are LVE (CU TR 004/2011), EMC (CU TR 020/2011) and RoHS (TR EAEU 037/2016).

From September 2023 (preliminary date), the new EAEU TR 048/2019 “On energy efficiency …” will come into force. It will be applicable for such IT-products as personal computers, servers, external PSU, monitors etc.

Most of IT-products contain wire/wireless communication modules. In this case, two additional approvals are possibly required on EAEU and Russian markets: FAC DoC  and FSS notification.

If you’re interested in conformity approval in EAEU or CIS countries please fill out our RFQ form. Your personal project manager will reply to you soonest.

If your target markets are CIS countries and you wish to have more information about certification in CIS countries, please follow this link